The RAF Typhoon base at Coningsby were doing night flying so I had the chance to get some dusk shots at last, the late midsummer evenings pointed towards a lingering afterglow from the sunset that would hopefully leave some colour rather than blackness in the sky, with a good evening forecast after a wet day I headed off to Lincolnshire.
I arrived in time for clearing skies and some very peachy late afternoon light, not to mention several aircraft being readied to fly. The light when they took off was superb, and even better when they returned about 50 minutes later enabling me to get some very nice head on shots.
Later as it got darker about 16 more aircraft rolled out in darkening conditions, but the navigation, formation and other lights glowed in the humid evening softness, and shimmered in the heat haze from the engines, it was a mad rush setting up the shots for exposures of 20 and 30 seconds, some failed because the Typhoons moved during the time the shutter was open, however I got a pile of shots I was happy with, you can find more on my Flickr pages within the Typhoon set!