Friday 2 April 2010

Civil stuff at Stansted

OK its not fast jets down low in the Welsh valleys still, hopefully the weather will coincide with a gap in my schedule so I can get there; but Stansted for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon can be quite good too, the planes are colourful!
NigelBlakephoto is now on Twitter too.

1 comment:

Martyn Yapp said...

Hi Nigel

We have met once or twice in the birding field, I have just took the plunge with a Cannon 500D and 100-400 Zoom lens, I too have this burning desire to shoot aircraft, I popped into Manchester the weekend and took a few images, really to test a. my camera b. access to airport, the images I took are on my birding blog

Question is there any hard and fast rule regarding camera settings for flight shots it has been so long since I handled a camera, then it was film of course.