I think I need a change of scenery, although they are some seriously awesome aircraft, and it looks like the Cs and Ds will be back in the air very soon after Christmas.
A collection of recent images from Lakenheath, the F15 C and D aircraft may be grounded, but the F15Es are still flying very regularly, it was good to see some dusk launches, frustratingly some didn't stay low enough or keep the burners on long enough when the colours in the sky were at their best, but it was still pretty awesome!!
A Belgian F16 visitor was a surprise this week, the E's were quite busy, it was good to get them on the base leg turn again, and even better to get them departing from zero 6 with a nice blue sky and good light!
In search of some different angles I walked miles on the blue cycle track around Thetford forest, the light was perfect and I found a great place where the F15s turn on the base leg. All taken with Canon EOS 1Ds MkII and 600mm f4 IS.